Episode #53: The Nexus Between Cyber Crime and Emerging Global Threats


Cyber Security Legal Expert Adriana Sanford joins Task Force 7 Radio to discuss the nexus that Cyber Security has with the disturbing trend of terror attacks that have occurred over the last decade that have sent governments all over the world scrambling to protect their national interests. In an inter-connected world, increased security provisions can sometimes be at the expense of individual freedoms. While much has been discussed in the realm of privacy and the basic right to privacy in some countries, our tech companies, executives and lawyers have been exposed to real threats that merit attention, including executives’ concerns with criminal prosecution that results from their employer’s non-compliance with laws of foreign territories. In this segment, we will discuss what role cyber security plays in these battles, and what are the global ramifications of new cyber security legislation during several multi-jurisdictional conflicts under this new security landscape.

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