Episode #72: Where Did All The Stolen Equifax Data Go?

  • 1:09:42
  • 18 February, 2019
  • 63.8 MB

In the third segment of Episode #72, Host George Rettas and Guest Host and Chief Security Officer of BitGo, Thomas Pageler discuss one of the great mysteries in Cyber Security over the last year: What happened to the 143 million records stolen in the September, 2017 Equifax Breach? The Cyber Security duo also talk about Google’s payout of $3.4 Million dollars in Bug Bounty awards for the year 2018, Apple’s decision to award a 14 year old for discovering a Group FaceTime Exploit, and a researcher who refuses to help Apple mitigate a vulnerability he discovered in their MacOS system because he doesn’t agree with their Bug Bounty policies. The hosts also unpack the situation around the vulnerability of Israel’s voting system, they discuss Twitter and Facebook’s responsibility in weeding out foreign intelligence agencies who intend on influencing elections of free countries, and they discuss what the United States should do to prevent foreign interference in our election process.

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