Episode #77: Former Navy Seal Talks About Convergent Security Models

Former Seal Team 6 member and current Chief Security Officer of OnyxCTS, Marcus A. Capone, joins Episode #77 of Task Force 7 Radio to talk about the convergence of logical and physical security, the obstacles to organizational change, and the consequences of not having end to end optics when it comes to protecting your organization’s assets.  

Capone talks with TF7 Radio hosts about his experiences as a Seal Team 6 Operator, what it takes to be successful both in the military and in business, and if the leadership skills exhibited in military service easily transfer to the private sector when veterans make a transition to senior executive positions. 

Capone also described how Seal Team 6 members train for Cyber Security events, how important Cyber Hygiene is, and how accountability and support play into the team concept.   

This and much more on this week’s episode of Task Force 7 Radio.  

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